Yes, you can Develop online business without spending on Advertisement. Your tool is Optimizing your website, your content and services as per Search Engine Guidelines to make it happen.
But how? We are discussing this in this post which is in reference to our post
How to Start Business Promotion through SEO |
How to Develop Online Business without Spending on Advertisement?
People constantly have a lot of problems: how to find a man, how to make a manicure, how to open a business, how to choose a franchise. All these are informational topics that need high-quality disclosure. Today it is a global trend: once you create content, it will then constantly become organic traffic (that is, a free search stream).
If you have your own online school, then there are experts, theoretical developments and practical courses that can be packaged in the article in the form of the right material. And the search engines will be happy to index them in return. Here is a source of organic traffic and free potential customers (leads).

How to start creating content? Where to get topics for articles?
If you are just going or are already running a corporate blog, start by writing out all the topics you work on. The bigger, the better. For example, it turned out a thousand topics. Then choose from them, for example, two hundred – the most important and sought after. Focus on these topics when writing articles. Knowing the algorithms of the search engines and the most popular queries, these articles can then be optimized and, thus, increase the likelihood of their getting onto the top.
Next, get any kind of further information regarding the uniqueness of content. For that, you must contact SQ Expertise is a Digital Marketing Company in Lahore and one of the Top Rated SEO Service providers that deliver custom solutions to your business. We provide all kinds of digital marketing services from Pakistan to our clients in USA, Canada, UK, UAE, and within Pakistan.
How to monetize your content? Is buying advertising necessary?
It doesn’t need to buy ads. If you have a product, you have the expertise, you run a blog, you will comment on the right content and share it on social networks. Because of this, it will be ranked. Only this must be done regularly, better once a day.
Often, entrepreneurs do not write themselves, and find copywriters. What is the best way to interact with the authors? And in what format should we create collaborative content?
In our experience, in such wide niches as astrology, tarot cards, psychology, there are a lot of qualified copywriters with higher education. Recruiters will help you find such specialists at your request. Such authors will be able to write quality articles on their own.
If your topic is narrow, such as bankruptcy, various bankruptcy trades, SEO promotion, then it’s best to prepare the material for the copywriter that you want to highlight. For example, if you want to talk about blocks, then you must outline the desired structure of the material and include important points. Such synergy will help achieve the desired results.
How long does it take to get some real traffic through the content?
If your project is already reputable and well-known in the market, then there is advertising and the site. For example, five years, then the correction of technical errors, the imposition of selling elements and optimization can take up to 3-4 months. But such results succeed only at the expense of the authoritativeness of sites.
If by the starting point we mean a new domain, when you just opened an online school, and the blog is still empty, then SEO is essentially a ranking of sites and their competition. Every site has parameters: age, number of pages, its update-ability, and communicability. If you want to get into the top, you must achieve the parameters of competitors in the top. If you pretend for any complex requests, you will not go there until the site parameters are not enough. For example, if a competitor has 10,000 pages in the top or 100 articles per month are updated on his site, your promotion will take much more than 3-4 months. In commercial niches real results can be obtained closer to the end of the year of work.
Are there any exceptions to this rule? What to do when you need quick results?
If you want quick results, monitor your niche. Now there are real cases when entrepreneurs do not want to do business and donate projects for only 100,000 – 200,000 rubles. You can buy such an undervalued site, hang the right lead magnets and banners and get thousands of new customers daily.
Which domains should be preferred at registration?
Companies may registers domains such as .pk, .us, .uk, .biz, .org .com and others. Whereas, Google prefers local domains. Domain .com ranked better. I (Salman Qadeer) recommends.
How much do you evaluate the effectiveness of content investment versus advertising?
Each niche is individual. But the money spent on content will necessarily lead to an increase in traffic, because the result of SEO is an increase in search flow. How it will be monetized depends on the product. But first, it is recommended to test for paid traffic.
For example, there is a niche of astrology. There is a horoscope, dream book, fortune telling and a million more topics. You need to select the most relevant, run contextual advertising on your course and evaluate. If the monetization goes – forward – you need to do a blog and write articles, it will definitely bring money.
How to Hire SEO Consultant from Pakistan?
You can contact to Sq expertise, one of the Top Rated SEO Agencies in Lahore that provided SEO Services in Lahore via SEO Consultant in Lahore. It also works in Digital Marketing Company & Advertising Agency in Lahore. Please contact us for more information.