Pay-Per-Click (PPC), SEM or Search Engine Marketing are the names of the same thing.
SEM is Certainly The Fastest Way To Get Feedback On Your Digital Marketing Expense.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or Pay Per Click Campaigns Management
A Well-Optimized And Well-Managed PPC Campaign Will Be One Of Your Best Advertising Channels and ready to get instant revenue.
Over The Years, We Have Deepened Our Knowledge And Developed Expertise In Setting Up And Managing PPC Marketing Campaigns For Our Clients. Depending On Your Budget And Objectives, We Will Develop Your Business into most powerful money-making machine.
How to get maximum out of Search Engine Marketing or SEM?
With more than 200 million users and the ability to target users based on their jobs, skills, and business, the quality of clicks from LinkedIn can exceed the performance of any other advertising medium, even Google Ads.
The success of advertisements on LinkedIn will mainly concern B2B companies, because most people on LinkedIn are connected to their company. They update their profile with their companies, they connect to their relationships, colleagues, suppliers, current or potential customers, leave advice, opinions, comments etc.

Contact us now to help you capture these elusive visitors. Capitalize on users’ queries and make your ad appear at the top of search results. SQ Expertise is Google Ads certified and guarantees continuous optimization of your online advertising campaigns to maximize your return on investment.
We will combine our optimization techniques with an advanced configuration of the Google Analytics tool to track your visitors’ behaviors and give you a clear view of how people search, share and engage.
If you have problems configuring Google AdWords, or choosing your best keywords, or just want to improve your ROI, take a look at the solutions proposed by SQ Expertise. They will allow you to bring customers to your site; Potential seeking exactly the offers you offer.
Paid Search or Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Service is a complex discipline that involves promoting your website by increasing its visibility in the search engines. Direct complementary to SEO, sponsored or commercial links can quickly generate targeted traffic from search engines via Google AdWords and social networks via Facebook Ads.
Even though we work with Google AdWords and Yahoo!, Facebook Ads is gaining momentum, but Google remains by far the most important player with very high market share (95%+).
Advertise with Bing AdCenter
Here At SQ Expertise, We Are Excited To Work With Bing As A Bing Ads Certified Partner. Because Bing Is The Second Largest Search Engine In The World, Bing Ads Is A Good Addition To Your Online Marketing.
- Our Experience Shows Us That The Cost Per Conversion Can Be Up To 60% Lower Than On Google Ad. It’s Definitely Something To Consider!
Advertise with Facebook Ads
Facebook is the first site in number of visits on the web. Therefore, the potential of advertising with Facebook Ads is huge and ever-changing to fit the needs of professionals. If you’re a B2C company, posting your ads on Facebook might provide you with the new source of revenue you’ve been looking for.
Our social media services will focus on engaging fans using raffles, photo contests, but also more traditional Facebook ads and suggested publications. All of these ways with the common goal of boosting your audience. Number of fans, your email list and your brand recognition, etc.

The Google AdWords SEM platform is actually an auction system. Paid search is a powerful lever of acquisition via Google Ads. It works on the basis of a performance-based pay-per-click (CPC). The click can go from PKR 1 to several 100s via the auction system or US 0.1 to 100+ US Dollars per click.
Paid search is ideal for generating qualified traffic and increasing awareness of your website, your brand and products. An advertising campaign (paid search) on Google Ads and Facebook Ads provides quick results whose performance is measurable day-by-day. It can therefore be modified and adjusted.
Implementation and definition of the media plan
Our paid search methodology includes:

Definition of the strategy, the different accounts, and the budgets of paid referencing. In the case of a repeat of existing campaigns on Google Ads, we first audit the results and the account.
- Setting up or improving Google Ads Account and campaigns covering all your products, and related keywords.
- We also ensure that you have the right account and architectural campaigns to better capitalize on your goals/objectives.
Creating and optimizing campaigns: Creating and setting up Google Ads campaigns to plan regular optimizations with a focus on customer objectives. We also plan regular testing to manage campaigns, maximize their potential, and improve landing pages.
Management and performance monitoring: Daily management and weekly report tailored to allow us to evaluate campaigns in progress.
We also send regular reports to monitor performance in the short, medium, and long-term via Web Analytics.
We make regular observations that can be translated into business opportunities for you. We also perform a planned analysis to observe trends that may affect your business (keywords, competitors, and external factors). The global management, natural SEO and sponsored links of paid search or AdWords allow you to develop synergies between these two levers of traffic acquisition.
Our goal is to optimize your Return on Investment (RoI) and conversions. Want to start a paid search campaign Google Ads? Contact us.